Science backed mental training for a healthy team

We offer bespoke and off-the-shelf solutions to empower your employees with tools proven to support well-being and performance.

The well-being challenge

Mental health and well-being are no longer topics that employers can ignore. With workplace related stress, anxiety and burnout at an all-time high, it can be challenging for employers to know how to respond. 

How can we be sure that the initiatives we deliver are more than just a temporary fix?

We have distilled the emerging neuroscience of brain function into research-backed meditation training programs. Designed to help your teams understand the mechanisms of the mind and how to rewire the brain for health and performance.

How we can work with you

As cognitive scientists actively working in the fields of meditation, well-being and metacognition – we have a unique approach to teaching meditation. We can support your team in two main ways:


Bespoke delivery of our online courses

We will work with you to design a customised rollout of our online courses that best fits your needs. 


One-off workshops and seminars

We offer a range of workshops on specific topics such as resilience, empathic leadership and the neuroscience of meditation.

The science of meditation is moving fast

Our goal is to share what the field of meditation research has been discovering over the past 20 years. Recent brain imaging technology has made it possible to investigate what is really happening in the brain when we meditate – and the findings are something every human should be aware of!

The bottom line is that meditation is to the mind, as exercise is to the body. Something we should all probably be doing as part of our health routine.

Some key scientific findings so far. Meditation can lead to…

Physiological benefits

Biologically younger brain

Healthier DNA (longer telemeres)

Reduced inflammation

Reduced stress, anxiety & depression

Lowered heart rate

Lowered blood pressure

Lowered cortisol

Less activity in the amygdala

Improved cognitive perfomance

Increased attentional control/span

Reduced cognitive bias

Improved focus under pressure

Increased IQ

Reduced risk of dementia/Alzheimers

Greater emotional wellbeing

Consistent positive mood

Greater self-confidence

Stronger sense of connection

Improved emotional IQ

Less rumination and anxiety

Sources: (Sedlmeier et al., 2012) (Eberth et al., 2012) (Goyal, Singh et al., 2014)  

How our programmes can help your teams

We teach the why, not just the how

This is a core difference in our approach compared to regular meditation offerings. We make sure to share exactly why we are doing each technique and what the science says about how it works and what benefits it gives. 

We help each person take ownership of their well-being

With a deep understanding of why meditation works, and a familiarity with the techniques, each person is equipped to own their well-being in an empowering way.

We enable team bonding and real connection

There is surprising benefit to going through a transformative course together as a team. Our delivery strategy ensures a sense of collective experience and shared learning. The live Q&As and online discussions provide a unique forum for conversations that create openness, trust and a feeling of not being alone.

Customise our online courses to your needs

We will work with you to design a version of our science backed meditation courses.

Step 1: Choose a course

If you haven’t worked with us before, we recommend starting with our 6 week Science of Meditation 101: The essential toolkit course. This will provide a strong foundation of skills and knowledge.

Step 2: Decide when works best for your team

We will deliver your course in a hybrid way that is flexible enough for all team members to participant around their commitments. Whilst also creating sense of collective learning and experience.

Step 3: Customise to your needs

We can add live sessions throughout, additional talks on specific topics and other customisations to ensure the most value to your team.

Talks & Presentations

The field of meditation research has been growing rapidly over the past 20 years. The findings are exciting and worth being aware of. Working in the field ourselves we are well placed to deliver informative talks that shed light on how meditation changes the mind and brain.

We work with you to tailor the experience and choose relevant topics or themes. We offer both one-off presentations or a series of talks. Example topics include:

– The Emerging Science of Meditation and Well-being

– The Biology of Resilience

– Empathic Leadership

– The Science of Cognitive Bias

– and many more…

Client Reviews


All great sessions, so do please pass on thanks to Mark and Lars. This training is really beneficial in running a smooth and successful business to give it a commercial edge. Meditation sessions help us become more aware of our emotional reaction to people/events helps us regulate our responses.

This is helpful with difficult clients, with our team members and in leadership. Increased self-awareness through reflective practice/meditation helps us suspend our judgement and see both the person and the situation that also played a part in a person’s behaviour. Again vital for good leadership.

-Business Learning Partner

Big 4 Consultancy

Really enjoying the meditation sessions, thanks for helping on this initiative as I’m finding it very useful. I had a period of ill health earlier this year so this initiative couldn’t have come at a better time.

-Assistant Manager

Big 4 Consultancy

Just wanted to say these sessions as so amazing – whenever I’m stressed because of work and join one of the sessions, I feel so refreshed afterwards. I believe they are helping lots of people and both the practice and the scientific explanation of the brain is something I find so enriching so I truly hope the sessions continue! Thanks so much to you and the team.


Big 4 Consultancy

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If you would like more information on our business offerings and would like to work with us, contact us at: